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Industry - Defence / Military

Defence / Military

Sarsen Technology provides a wide range of rugged COTS boards and system solutions to the leading European Defence manufacturers. We have a long track record of supporting mission critical systems for land, sea & air and we understand the importance of both process control and long-term support.

Our defence clients need rugged solutions that are designed for harsh environmental conditions such as heat or cold, altitude, humidity, shock and vibration. Often the solutions we supply must be able to fit into space-constrained platforms and we can offer custom systems to suit. Also key is fast time to market, low risk, flexibility and long product life cycle. Many of the products we supply and support have industry-leading product life cycles and warranties as standard.

Our product lines include:

  • MIL-STD-1553 Hardware
  • Rugged VPX Boards
  • Cyber security boards and technology
  • 19” Rackmount Systems
  • FPGA boards based on Xilinx and Intel, including rugged Xilinx Zynq boards.

Sarsen Technology supplies and supports a variety of board level and system solutions specifically designed for our military customers. These include conduction-cooled, ruggedised and COTS compliant solutions, designed to meet MIL-STD specifications on a wide range of form factors, including PCI, VPX, XMC and PC/104.

We offer a huge range of unique products including embedded computers and rugged COTS boards, and this web site can only detail a representative sample of the complete range. For a detailed review of your application please contact one of the engineering team to discuss your requirements.

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Jan 2025 - Sarsen Technology Limited Celebrates 25 Years of Embedded Excellence

Sarsen Technology Ltd is proud to announce the celebration of its 25th anniversary!