Alta Data Technologies Recognised as a Top 10 Aviation Solutions Supplier by Aerospace & Defense Review
Alta Data Technologies, LLC (Alta) is excited to announce that Aerospace & Defense Review has awarded Alta a top ten position as an aviation solutions provider in the industry for 2020.
This prestigious award recognises Alta's growth, innovation and quality in providing industry leading
MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC commercial off the shelf (COTS) products. The review documents Alta's rapid growth since its inception in 2007 where new technologies are combined with advanced quality and manufacturing processes to produce unmatched product offerings for aerospace customers.
Read Aerospace & Defense Review Article
"We have been quite impressed by Alta's, expertise in providing efficient and innovative aviation solutions," said Jonathan Allred, Managing Editor of Aerospace & Defense Review magazine." We congratulate Alta on this prestigious recognition and look forward to seeing their impressive growth streak continue."
"This recognition is such a privilege and we thank Aerospace & Defense Review for the honor. This award demonstrates our entire teams' commitment to provide the very best product and services in the 1553 and ARINC market", states Rick Schuh, CEO and co-founder of Alta.
"Even though we have grown to be one of the largest suppliers in our niche, we've never forgotten our first customers that believed in our goal to bring a fresh, innovative approach for avionics COTS products. By offering the only 3rd generation, packet off-loading protocol engines, along with our leading manufacturing practices, we've been to grow keep the personal support promise for all customers – all with an industry leading 5-year warranty."
Schuh continues; "But we haven't rested on the 45,000+ items shipped and over $130M in sales! We just announced a
new product family called NLINE. As the name suggests, we've taken our leading, full featured 1553 protocol engine and have embedded the circuitry directly in the cable assembly to offer unprecedented implementation choices for our customers. The same application software written for our PCI Express, XMC, PMC, USB, etc…interfaces can run, without changes, on our new NLINE products."