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Part Numbers (also select 1553 cables below)
Dual Function: BC/Mon or mRT/Mon
- NLINE-T1553-1D or NLINE-T1553-2D
Full Function: BC, mRT and Monitor
- NLINE-T1553-1F or NLINE-T1553-2F
Options: -N for NVRAM Write Protection, -D for Direct Coupling, -I Transmit Inhibit, –A for AltaView Analyzer. Example: NLINE-E1553-2F-ADIN
Optional 1553 Connector Assemblies Part Numbers (Male Lemo to 1553/DB15)
- NLCAB-1553-P1-X-01 or NLCAB-1553-P1-X-AUX01
X = Channel Count (1 or 2). AUX is DB15 for RX Av Discretes, Trigger, etc…Signals.